Breast Cancer Awareness

Back in the 1970's my grandmother had breast cancer.  Her fight to recovery was a long and difficult one which included surgery and then dealing with the aftermath.  She was a strong and courageous woman and a woman that I wanted to be like when I grew up!

As she walked through those difficult days in an era where there was not a lot of information or support, I remember vividly her struggles with body image and health.  It is one of the reasons I created my company and special deodorant formulation for Naturz 5 Deodorant.  That is also why Naturz 5 is so involved in being a part of local breast cancer events and donating time and Naturz 5 product to these events. 

Today, I look back on that time and see how far Breast Cancer research and procedures have progressed and that is just fantastic, but some of the struggles my grandmother had with her body image and health are still the same struggles that many women have today. If I could go back in time, I'd tell my grandmother how beautiful she was to me, that her inner strengths, character and faith were the things that I would recall many years later.  The impact she had on my life was etched in my heart helping create the woman I would become.

For those who are going through health battles today, be encouraged that your physical body may go through some changes but that the lasting impact you are having on with those around you come from the inside, your courage, strength, faith etc are the hallmark legacy you are building into others just like the impact my grandmother had on my life.

Here is a great, easy, healthy recipe for you to try! Quinoa is a complete protein and easy to prepare!

Quinoa (keen wah) Pilaf

1 Cup Quinoa

2 Cups Water

Combine quinoa and water in pot and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and cover, simmer 10 minutes. This is a basic quinoa recipe.  

For Quinoa Pilaf add favorite seasoning, 1/4 cup chopped green onion, 1/4 cup frozen peas that have been warmed up.  Stir and enjoy!



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