Happy 4th of July!

Here are some 4th of July fun facts!

The Declaration of Independence was a justification for a revolt against the British which included a list of charges against the British King.

On July 4th the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence though the vote for independence took place July 2nd.

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.

July 4th became an official Holiday in 1870.

Enjoy your 4th of July celebrations with family and friends and as you watch the fireworks this year celebrate this wonderful democratic republic that is an amazing country to live in!


Here is a fun homemade ice cream to make while you wait for fireworks!

Homemade Ice Cream In A Bag

1TB Sugar                                      1 Pint Size Freezer Ziploc Bag

1/2Cup Whole Milk or 1/2&1/2        1 Gallon Size Freezer Ziploc Bag

1/4tsp Vanilla                                   Ice

6TB Rock Salt

Fill the large bag half full of ice and add the rock salt, seal bag (Freezer Ziploc works well).  Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag and seal bag (Freezer Ziploc works well).  Place small bag inside the larger bag and seal again carefully.  Shake until the mixture is ice cream 5-10 minutes.  Wipe off the top of the small bag and open carefully.  Enjoy!  This is a fun activity for the kids.  They can toss the bag back and forth to each other! (Best to do this outside in case there is a breach)




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